(616) 975-9951 info@dvbwlaw.com

Child Custody, Visitation, and Support

Children’s issues are the most important and complex issues in any divorce case. At Damon, Ver Merris, Boyko & Witte, PLC, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, we are committed to helping parents protect the interests of children going through divorce. We have a comprehensive understanding of the issues Michigan courts consider in making child custody, child support, and parenting time decisions. We are committed to providing our clients the information necessary to protect their children’s interests.

Contact our firm online or call 616-975-9951 / 877-975-9951.


Informed Child Custody Attorneys

Typically, the courts want both parents involved in the child’s life. So both parents are almost always awarded parenting time. Parenting time agreements can be worked out between the parents with the help of a skilled mediator, or they can be decided by a judge in court. Factors in determining financial arrangements for children’s support, include income of the parents, insurance, child care, and the number of children. We strive to help parents going through divorce work out parenting time agreements and child support amounts without the need to go to court. Our attorneys are also skilled at representing a parent’s interest in court when that becomes necessary.

There are two types of custody:

Legal custody is the right of a parent to make decisions regarding the child’s upbringing including schooling, religion, and medical care.

Physical custody involves where the child lives.

There are four types of custody arrangements:

Joint legal custody

Sole legal custody

Sole physical custody

Joint physical custody

Damon, Ver Merris, Boyko & Witte, PLC

825 Parchment Drive S.E. Suite 100, Grand Rapids, MI 49546-2382