Probate & Estate Administration
ADMINISTERING THE SMALL PROBATE ESTATE – PART II In the prior article I discussed expedited procedures available under Michigan law to deal with a small estate (less than $22,000), where the deceased generally had only clothing and cash of $500 or less, was due a...
Probate & Estate Administration
ADMINISTERING THE SMALL PROBATE ESTATE – PART I In many cases, after a loved one has passed away, you find that there really are not a whole lot of assets to be dealt with, or “administered”. This could be because the deceased simply was a person of little means;...
Bankruptcy, Uncategorized
In my prior article I briefly reviewed the preference laws under the Bankruptcy Code, the elements that have to be proven and the rationale behind such statutes. To reiterate, a preference, by definition, is a payment or transfer that is made by the debtor to a...